
Paper Craft – Wall Hanging

I am excited today 🙂 First let me thank dear friend Anu Sriram. She has motivated me to participate in the paper crafts event conducted by Shama.

Participation is always fun. So here I present my paper crafts. The first one is made using a magazine. I was very much interested in the paper wall hanging posted at Craftstylish, that I tried the same.

Paper Craft
Paper Craft
Paper Wall Hanging
Paper Wall Hanging

Fold either side of pages in the triangular shape as shown. Then fold the bottom part as a triangle again. (As shown by the fold mark). Beautiful wall hanging is ready!

Paper Craft using magazine
Paper Craft using magazine

I am also sending the Quilling Ganesha to this contest.

Quilling Ganesh
Quilling Ganesh

Happy Ugadi/Gudi Padwa!

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29 replies on “Paper Craft – Wall Hanging”

Hi Divya,

Thanks for visiting my blog. I just fold the pages of the magazine into a triangle and don’t stick them. Once folded it eventually stays in that shape without getting deformed.

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