Woo-hoo! I’m back to blogging after more than 3 years! Well, all is good with us
If you have been following me at my other (parenting) blog, you would know the reason for my absence here. I took a break from blogging after our twins came into our lives. Though I kept (sporadically) updating my parenting blog, I didn’t get time to concentrate here. Going forward, I’m hoping keep this space updated as well.
Here is the snack that my elder son prepared for the holidays. He is six years old and loves to help me in the kitchen. One of my colleagues brought a box full of this yummy snack for the holiday party and we all loved it. So, I tried the same at our home and it became a huge hit!

Mini pretzels
Hershey kisses (We used cookies n creme)
M&Ms (used m&m mini)

Preparation Method:
- Line the pretzels on a baking tray.
- You can use parchment paper to reduce the mess (just in case)
- Keep Hershey’s kisses over each pretzel.
- Bake in the oven for few mins until the kisses melt and become slightly gooey.
- Remove from oven and top it with M&Ms.
- If you are making this snack with your kids, then make sure that kids don’t touch the chocolate right from oven. It would be hot and chances are that they might burn their fingers.
- Gently press the m&ms into the chocolate.
- Allow it to cool and enjoy!
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