Carrot, Beans, Okra, Egg plant, Tindora… ah… boring to repeat the same! Why not try out a new veggie? I shop groceries at an international fresh market. In the vegetable aisle, there are so many veggies that I haven’t tasted in my life! The name “Zucchini” amused me and I bought it too.
I started surfing the net so as to find out what could be prepared with this. Here is the dish that my neighbor suggested me. All she mentioned was to shallow fry zucchini with onions and bake it. I modified, giving it a slight Indian touch, by adding garam masala 🙂

Curry leaves
Pepper powder
Garam masala
Salt to taste
Preparation Method:
- Peel and chop the zucchini.
- Heat oil and do seasoning with mustard, cumin seeds and curry leaves.
- Saute onion till it turns brownish. Toss it with zucchini and tomatoes.
- Add salt, pepper powder and garam masala.
- After tempering, bake the mixture at 350C for 30 minutes.
- Zucchini curry is ready!
This zucchini poriyal – curry – bhaji can be had with Rice, Chappathi or Dosa. We used zucchini curry to prepare bread sandwich. It tasted yummy!!
PS: Instead of baking the curry, we can deep fry the zucchini (as we do Okra / Potato fry)
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18 replies on “Zucchini Bhaji – Zucchini Poriyal – Zucchini Curry”
Hey Dear!
It sounded so yummy and tempting! But but but….Can some ignorant souls like me get a glimpse of how this zucchini looks like? Any photos that you can put up on this blog? On how it looked before it went into curry mode?
Thanks a lot Deepa Vaini 🙂
Here is the Wikipedia link about the Zucchini
And… here is the google image result
I had given links to these URLs in the post itself… sharing with u again.
Do check out the recipe 🙂
mmm…. delicioso… and sounds very simple to prepare… thanks chef Anu for sharing this with us…
Thanks Dude!
Yup Zucchini curry is very easy to prepare!
Thanks for the colourful pics…actually one of those looks like our yummmy brinjal right? Would you be able to describe the heavenly taste? Is it akin to Brinjal? Pls attempt to describe!!!! Task for you dear! Great job from your end! Quite adventurous I bet! Cheers!
Task..? Nah… its a pleasure to answer my most avid reader. While attempting to answer your volley of questions, I ended with a new post! 🙂
Here is the link to the post about the Zucchini.
Zucchini resembles cucumber and s… also looks like large brinjal (not small one). BTW do u love brinjal..?Its my favorite!
absolutely mouth watering…. and sounds very easy to prepare… could be a nice option for lunch at the office !!
Zucchini curry could be done in a jiffy… apt for bachelor’s cooking!
Thanks a lot.
Looks great!
Hi Anu, thanks for visiting my zucchini curry recipe. Thank you for your gracious comments about the recipe and photographs. Your curry looks amazing – well done.
Lovely recipe.. Likd the way you baked the dish!!